Sunday, 2 September 2018

Tempests and Vagaries

The tempest of time and the vagaries of fortune
Have assembled this scene
Where I am no longer myself
But a fraction, or a splinter of what I might have been

Now I wander like a ghost along gleaming corridors
Of a vast and lonely fortress
Helplessly searching for Health
In body, bones, heart and head, pain has not visited yet

In sleep visions, I reach your hand and lace our fingers
Into a lattice of love
When awakened you are gone
Into the mists of a past that now I only dream of

The only way forward is to walk into the face of fear
And then right on through it
To the vast, blue yawning
Beyond the pale unknown where my future is lit

Into Mystery

Desire flowing like wine
He carries me to the top of the parapet
Awash in sunburst glory
Piercing me with joy
Together we leap from that great height
Into an unknown sky
All tethers to the mortal world sliced
So we fly freely, together, into the air, into mystery
Then fall warmly; slowly drifting
Until our toes touch solid earth again

River of Souls

My desire is true for solitude
No wish for other’s jibe or jest
Earth songs and sunlit paths
My intellect will here attest
That Nature, our finest friend
Allows spirit a contented rest

So I find myself outside the gates
Wandering along a way unknown
Gone back to wild, that broad field
Was once broken, leveled and sown
Now a rough expanse of wavering grass
Interspersed with trees part grown

Amidst the rough, a trace of trail
A pencil line as thin as thread
Unmistakable once found and followed
Toward the misty wood it led
For just a fleeting, flighty moment
I believed I should turn ‘round instead

I stayed the path into the wood
It canted down, smooth and clear 
And I wondered as it fell
Whether the bottom was far or near
Premonition skittered and gone                                      
Left a disquieting sense of fear

As I had walked, the sun had marched
Now the earth began to cool
So I decided to turn back
For I was not a fool
To get caught as night progressed
To get lost in darkness, cold and cruel

But as I turned, my ankle snagged
On a coil of snake, or vine, or rope
I tripped and lurched and tumbled
Side-way down a sharp, precarious slope
I tried to stop and blindly reached
For anything I could grab or grope

Head over heels I bumped and rolled
Bounced between boulders and trees
Over rocks, roots and remnants
Bashing and bruising elbows and knees
While a small voice inside me prayed
“Lord, spare me! Spare me, please!”

The grade around fifteen percent
Fell a long way from the top
But finally with a cry and thud
It was over: I came to a stop
Feeling beaten and bent, but alive
Despite the treacherous drop

I tested limbs, enumerating pains
Looked around for what I’d find
My body was indeed intact
But what about my mind?
I sat alongside a crashing river
Cutting and cold:  one of a kind

it plunged in two opposed directions
Frothing, foaming, roaring loud
Debris tossed in turbulent rapids
Smashed through a screaming crowd
Of anguished faces riding the waves
No longer live, nor free, nor proud

With knowledge ordained, not learned
I knew this was The River of Souls
Flowing one way to celestial light
The other towards the burning coals
Judgement splashing, soaking me
With dark, discordant death tolls

Some faces bore abject horror
The rictus of the damned
Some contorted in confusion
Knowing naught what fate had planned
Others glared most mutinously
Believing they could take a stand

But the faces of the few
That caught my interest and my sight
Beamed with peace and joy
Bathed in ethereal, eternal light
It was they who had the answers
To every pilgrim's plight

I understood their message
Though they could not speak a word
I felt pulsing strands of music
Though not a note was heard
It was the message of all ages
By eternal love we’re saved and cured

But not the love you crave
And not the love you’ve sought
Not love gained through games
Nor the pseudo-love you’ve bought
Not even love freely received
Without artifice or plot

A soul’s final destination
Is based on love emitted and given
Expressed in actions and in aims
Where intentions are not riven
By the pressures, desires and fears
By which we’re constantly driven

It’s love of Earth and universe
Flora and fauna, persons and land
It’s in stewardship and industry
With a steady, caring hand
It’s dealing fairly and kindly
With all things small or grand

My understanding sated
The river swelled toward the skies
It overflowed its banks
Coldly claimed me for its prize
Then crested, and threw me to the field
Soaked, but alive, to my surprise

I made my way back home
Pondering this strange interlude
I would never be the same
Nor would my solitude
I am just a stitch in time
And this life a simple prelude