Thursday, 28 September 2017

You and Me andLies

I know why you had to leave
But I thought you’d keep in touch
Even though years have passed
I love you just as much
I dream about you when I sleep
Miss you when I wake
Despite the smile I show the world
Inside I simply ache

Tell me, if I tracked you down
Would you take my call?
Meet me for a drink or two
Or anything at all?
Even though my mind goes there
It’s something I won’t do
I know if we’re to meet again
It must be up to you

Though now and then I’ll look you up
On Facebook or Linked-in
And make believe a fantasy
That we can again begin
But I know you’ve moved on and up
And probably never think of me
And because I truly care
I will let you be

Through all that’s gone on
 Between you and me and lies
I have learned an aching truth
Some love never dies

Friday, 22 September 2017


From the Internet

I want to go to Alabama, listen to the music playing

Walk around the towns, hear what the ghosts are saying

Find the belly of the blues, and the campus of country

Where rock and roll was welcomed and just keeps on jumping

Along with Tennessee and Mississippi it’s a melting pot of sound

I’m sure the specters of Williams Sr. and Buffett are still around

I want to smell the wind and feel the vibrations in the air

If you’re looking for a sound -- you’re sure to find it there

Author's Note:
Thinking about the Southern States and the history of music after reading Robbie Robertson's book and listening to Jason Isbell's and Anderson East's music.

Gentle Night

Matheson Lk

We are all flowing
Like a wide river flowing
We are all flowing into the gentle night
He walks before us
Leaving footsteps in his wake
He walks before us into the gentle night

It flows through your body
It flows through your mind
It flows with your spirit into the gentle night
You’ve been searching for wisdom
You’ve been searching for peace
You’ve been searching for the gentle night

Let go your vestments
Let go worldly trappings
Let go anxiety and flow into the gentle night
Let go your ill will
Let go your false hopes
Let go your fears and flow into the gentle night

There will be no more sadness
No back stabbing betrayals
There will only be love in the deep gentle night
Your grief will be unburdened
Your pain a melted shadow
There will only be love in the deep gentle night

Now you are asking
What is the gentle night?
It is where the unknown becomes known
In the deep gentle night
Where you are truly recognized
In the deep gentle night